So this part of the site is supposed to say something about me, what I do, and why I’m doing it. The thing is, I’m busy trying to get the interesting stuff going so it can do the talking.
Meanwhile, I’m considering a contest: friends and family write this content for me. Just a few bits that will give the casual visitor a real idea of who I am.
I could write all kinds of self-aggrandizing baloney and you’d believe it because it’s here. “He posted it; it must be true.” But, if it comes from stories by the people who know me, then you, the casual visitor, will get a better idea of what I’m ABOUT.
Until then, here are some pictures of me in a gorilla suit.
![Gorilla in the sun](
![Gorilla with a Do Not Enter sign](
![Gorilla wearing a pilot hat and goggles](
![Gorilla Scientist](
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